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Week 1 Copyright

Wednesday, March 2, 2011 | Noelia Badillo

Image made by Noelia Badillo
While I was watching the first 2 videos about copyright and listened to the writer “Nathan” I thought he really made copyright like a simple thing to understand and follow, but when I got to the documentary “Good Copy Bad Copy” it goes way further than what people may think.  All these terms about copyright and intellectual property can be very confusing because if copyright laws are too limiting then what will happen to all the wonderful creations that musicians or, as we watch in the video, Dj mixers or any other type of creator make? All this issues can limit the distribution of a creation that could be shared for wonderful and even educational purposes.  Imagine students in a music class turning a classical piece into another masterpiece by changing it’s rhythm, tempo, etc, and let’s say a famous dancer creates a breathtaking dance routine following that new piece, how could we judge that from being bad or good?  With all the technological advances being one of the main responsible reasons for copyright laws to take extreme measure,s we also have to accept that it is also a way of building culture, sharing creativity and collaborate.  How can we trace the line between something that it's building new horizons and something that in a negative perspective can affect thousands of industries.  It is definitely an extensive subject that has it’s positive and negative perspective and that it would take a long battle.

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Dena Whipple said...

Noelia, first of all I loved your image for this blog. Did you design that yourself? It’s a perfect visual for this topic as it questions what we see as “good” and “bad”. I feel very similarly to how you do. Though this industry of remixers is technically using the material of other artists, it is creating a new culture and a new art form. I have to say I really enjoyed listening to the new music, especially the when the gnarls barkley music transitioned from it’s original song to the remixer in Brazil and then to the remixer in Pittsburgh. I loved that sequence in the movie. It’s interesting that you pointed out the sequence of the videos we viewed for this assignment and how at first it was simple and straightforward, the creator actually reading from the dictionary, into this idea of how cultures are being created based on piracy. The key question that I keep asking myself is that although I enjoy the creative side of this idea and see the many benefits to its artistic process, is it right? For those that are at least giving credit, there is some grace, however as was mentioned by one of the men in Nigeria, it’s about permission of the use of the material and that’s not happening. It will be an interesting issue to follow, especially with the emergent technologies that are yet to come. I enjoyed reading your post and felt many of the same connections you did.

Unknown said...

Noelia, I agree with you as well. Copyright seems like a simple law to understand, but it's more complicated than it seems. I also think media and technology inspire new artist and creates new forms of art or remix culture. This kind of reminds me of American immigration laws, where immigrants have to follow strict rules and regulations in order to enter to the USA; which are still very complicated and unfair. However, when you mix cultures together just like music you develop new rich cultures, customs, arts, languages, etc. And I'm a product of this remixing of cultures and I think it's a beautiful thing to have. I wish there could be a balanced law for people on both sides of the issue, but I also think it's going to be long battle.

Noelia Badillo said...

Yes Dena! I designed it using Adobe Illustrator. I love design! Even thou I have not taken any classes, I enjoy creating digital art. I wish I had more time to make them but whenever I have a little extra time I try to make and use my own images.

Elizabeth said...

I agree with you Noelia. The world in itself is very diverse. There is no just black and white, there are many shades of gray when it comes to many issues. Like you i felt the same when first watching the initial videos. I did enjoy Good Copy/Bad Copy and its many views. I loved watching the fun and learning that was gained trough the process of sampling and mixing. I think the only issue is when it is clearly done to make money off another's work and not just for the sense of being creative or the love of the art.

jbb said...

copyright is a really complicated issue that effects all of us who teach and/or are creatives. We have to bring copyright issues into the current century.

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