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Week 1- Comment 1

Thursday, March 3, 2011 | Noelia Badillo

Luz Infante's Post about Copyright
Talking about copyright I have mixed thoughts and feelings about this topic. First of all I personally think that human beings are born with the innate instinct of private property.  Even babies defend what belongs to them. That is something intrinsic to human being essence. Any living thing (plants, animals, and humans) lives to transcend and the natural way to do it is by reproduction. Human being essence is based on its animal and rational nature. So humans like to transcend not only in a biological way but they also have a natural inclination to transcend through their acts of thought (ideas and creations). This type of transcendence comes also with a natural need of recognition. And that is where interests and many other kinds of conflicts are born.

With that being said, I would like to play Devil’s advocate and I would like to ask a couple of questions:

- Who owns an idea? Who has the right to do that? Aren’t ideas universal?
- Why only one person or a group of people can have the right to use, modify or change the version of a song, film, photography, etc.?
- How have human beings evolved through the years? Aren’t the cordless phone and the cellular phone a modified version of the original corded phone? Isn’t part of the evolution to improve or change things, ideas, and processes that already exist?  Why are we limiting that, is it about respect to the first person that developed an idea or is it about control? Where is the line between recognition and control? 

With all those questions in the air I would like to say that I personally feel more attracted to the creative common license philosophy that allowed creators to share their work in a frame of conditions that they could personally establish.

 My Comment to Luz Infante
Wow Luz! I actually have the same thoughts as you about this topic. It is so hard to determine why or how we can judge if copyright should be extremely private to the point where we can stop using valuable pieces of art that can be so meaningful in education because of some too rigid copyright laws. I also think that we should be able to share ideas and creations as long as we are credited properly but I also think that if we don’t take measures about our work we can lose many opportunities for not being recognized as the author.  Plenty ideas have been stolen because people ignore the importance of getting work license under fair conditions that identifies you as the creator and owner of that creation. I don’t believe everything should be limited to the extreme and I also don’t believe that masterpieces should be out of reach because of these laws.

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