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Week 4- Comment 1

Sunday, March 27, 2011 | Noelia Badillo

Sabrina's Post: 

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Project

Photo by Sabrina Giroux
My week 2 post discussed my initial thoughts about the Publishing Leadership Project. In that post I wasn't feeling very confident about my research or my ability to put together a very good paper. Fortunately, I had been reading The Art of Possibilityand by week 3 I was feeling a lot more competent. I had decided to submit to the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, and my paper was well under way. I realized that using Facebook as a form of communication with parents was a positive experience, and that I shouldn't get bogged down in my thinking just because I had a small number of parents participate. Now, at the end of week 4 the Publishing Leadership Project is complete and ready to submit. I have survived month 11 and am looking forward to month 12 and beyond with a great anticipation.

Steve Jobs commencement speech at Stanford is one of my favorite speeches. I have watched it several times and always sit in wonder at how his life unfolded. He  said, "You can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future...believing that the dots connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well worn path and that will make all the difference." One year ago I made a decision to attend Full Sail not knowing where that would lead. It was only a feeling in my heart that this was something I was supposed to do. I still don't have all the dots ready to connect, but I am so confident that I am on the right path. I know Full Sail will have made all the difference.

Photo by Sabrina Giroux

My Comment to Sabrina:

I know exactly how you feel, I also felt the same way about Full Sail, month 11 and the publishing leadership project. I actually felt relieved when I read your thoughts regarding all this process, it makes me feel like it is something completely normal and that my fear is not only about english not being my first language. I know I've struggle to get to this point but it has been a rewarding and satisfactory experience. The book "The Art of Possibility has also change the way I see things, I feel more positive and confident. The way Steve Jobs describes connecting the dots looking backwards it makes sense because we don't know what we will face in the future. I'm glad we are moving forward!! Congrats!

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