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Friday, August 20, 2010 | Noelia Badillo

GoAnimate offers simple options to create a short animation without necessarily having knowledge of any technical or advanced animation skills, the only thing really needed is creativity. The website provides a good amount of characters, backgrounds, props, sound effects and music to create your own animations.
This tool allows you to choose a variety of facial expressions and actions that each character can do with just one click. There is variety of characters with very basic movements, like to move from one direction to another, take an object, sit, talk, jump, cry, point etc. Also it provides variety of backgrounds and objects to the mood or the style of the users. At the end of each creation we can share through a number of social networks like Facebook , MySpace, Digg and Delicious, as well as sharing by email or embed it on your page or blog.  This application as well as MeMoov can be used in the classroom to create digital storytelling, reinforce sequencing skills, develop creativity, problem solving and self expression . I’ve had so much fun using this tool that I even used it for my precious commercial on the web 2.0 tool Glogster.  I have also used it to congratulate co-workers and family creating a special animation for them.  The web application also provides the option of paying for the download for the original high quality video for about a dollar per download, this is a great feature in case you need to use the video in higher resolution for tv and bigger projections.

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Mr. Kevin Arena said...

That's great! This site would be a great way to get students to be creative with their projects and presentations. It has so many free features that come standard with the site, without having to pay for anything. Thanks for a wonderful site!

Kevin McLain said...

I agree Kevin! I can definitely see students getting excited about using this to create retellings of stories they've read or as an alternative writing assignment. I also think it could be used to create animations that would pique students interest as a new unit is rolled out.

Klytia Burcham said...

I love GoAnimate! It looks like a great way to get students into creating videos and writing. Imagine the creativity level of students who are introduced to this technology early? Thanks for the information, Noelia! I think I will let my son play with it later.

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