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Week 4-Final Post

Sunday, March 27, 2011 | Noelia Badillo

My plan to publish my Publishing/Leadership Project involves two educational technology journals.  Since my project involves media and a web 2.0 application, I believe these are great prospects for publishing my project. The first one I chose is ISTE's Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education the second one the Educational Technology Research and Development journal. 

Wk 4 - Publishing/Leadership Project: Thinking Out Loud #1

Wk 4 - Publishing/Leadership Project: Thinking Out Loud #2

My Leadership Project Document

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Week 4- Free Topic: My Journey

| Noelia Badillo

Photo by Noelia Badillo

Looking back, when I remember the beginning of this journey, I feel a lump in my throat. Although I decided to continue my studies because I wanted to continue to grow professionally to open up new paths, when I decided to do a master's degree online with Full Sail University, my main motivation was to be an example of perseverance for my daughter who is 5 years old. I want her to look at her mother as a fighter, with great expectations and goals. That despite the situations I have lived, I could go on with my head up and transforming the bad experiences into achievements. During this process I have lost 2 important persons in my life, my brother and my grandmother who raised me. Although it has been a painful process and even though I wanted to give up and leave my studies, I got the strength to go ahead and finish one of my goals. I know somewhere; my loved ones have become angels who watch over my daughter and me and they have helped me persevere. As a single mother it has not been easy the task of working, studying and being a mom and although I had to take some of my daughter’s time, I know that it won’t be in vain and that someday she will tell me, "Mom, I would have done the same thing, I'm proud of you ".

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Week 4- Comment 2

| Noelia Badillo

Dena's Post:

MAC_Week4_Reading(Art, 9-12)

Cosmic Kisses by Lance Shields

I enjoyed Zander’s remarks about lighting a fire in others.  I feel like I was born with the ability to do this and see it as a big responsibility to my students as well as my family and friends. The way he described enrollment as the ability to give yourself as a possibility to others and to be ready to catch their spark really hit home with me. He has so many inspiring lines in this book that I want to remember. I felt a strong reaction to his discussion of taking “no” less personally and myself less seriously and in doing that being able to see the opportunity for enrollment.

I also really felt a connection with Zander’s idea of being the board in your life, not reacting to the other players, but taking control in your life and transforming your entire circumstance. Making room for all the moves, as Zander puts it. What a revelation for most of us to stop seeing life as a blame game. When you look back, it’s so interesting to see how measurement in it’s many forms completely rules our existence. We have been trained to think that way.

Reading the steps in chapter 11 about vision and being a leader of possibility inspired me to write them down and carry them with me. Lately I feel as though I am always trying to overcome the downward spiral so it’s going to be a key part of my outlook to get into the practice of focusing on what is possible. Whether it’s because of a certain student or faculty member that I’m having an issue with or if I’m just plain tired that particular day, the goal is to stay focused on realigning myself. If I keep the concept of the framework in my mind, hopefully it will more easily allow me to bounce back when I get pulled down.

As I begin to head back to school this coming week after spring break, I feel that I have a renewed sense of purpose in what I do. Part of it, yes, is simply taking some time off, but the other part is finishing the last few chapters of this book.  For me, the WE story truly communicates why I work at a community college and sets the framework for me as a teacher and as the interim coordinator for the center for teaching and learning. I have learned many valuable lessons and want to plaster some of Zander’s quotes on the walls of the school. It also makes me think about my role as a mom and wife and how I can set the framework for all the relationships in my life.

My Comment to Dena:

I also felt a connection with Zander's idea about being the board in your life. He really made me understand that not all the situations we have is about other people, we constantly think or believe is the persons around you that make things happen because we as humans have the instinct to blame others when in reality we are the ones that most of the times make the issues bigger or negative. This board exercise guides us to be responsible about the circumstances that happens around us instead of charging others for them. This book has been a treasure for me to keep and put in practice! I am glad we had the opportunity to reflect and put meaning to these chapters!

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Week 4- Comment 1

| Noelia Badillo

Sabrina's Post: 

Week 4 Publishing Leadership Project

Photo by Sabrina Giroux
My week 2 post discussed my initial thoughts about the Publishing Leadership Project. In that post I wasn't feeling very confident about my research or my ability to put together a very good paper. Fortunately, I had been reading The Art of Possibilityand by week 3 I was feeling a lot more competent. I had decided to submit to the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, and my paper was well under way. I realized that using Facebook as a form of communication with parents was a positive experience, and that I shouldn't get bogged down in my thinking just because I had a small number of parents participate. Now, at the end of week 4 the Publishing Leadership Project is complete and ready to submit. I have survived month 11 and am looking forward to month 12 and beyond with a great anticipation.

Steve Jobs commencement speech at Stanford is one of my favorite speeches. I have watched it several times and always sit in wonder at how his life unfolded. He  said, "You can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future...believing that the dots connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well worn path and that will make all the difference." One year ago I made a decision to attend Full Sail not knowing where that would lead. It was only a feeling in my heart that this was something I was supposed to do. I still don't have all the dots ready to connect, but I am so confident that I am on the right path. I know Full Sail will have made all the difference.

Photo by Sabrina Giroux

My Comment to Sabrina:

I know exactly how you feel, I also felt the same way about Full Sail, month 11 and the publishing leadership project. I actually felt relieved when I read your thoughts regarding all this process, it makes me feel like it is something completely normal and that my fear is not only about english not being my first language. I know I've struggle to get to this point but it has been a rewarding and satisfactory experience. The book "The Art of Possibility has also change the way I see things, I feel more positive and confident. The way Steve Jobs describes connecting the dots looking backwards it makes sense because we don't know what we will face in the future. I'm glad we are moving forward!! Congrats!

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Week 4- Reading

Thursday, March 24, 2011 | Noelia Badillo

Made by Noelia Badillo

Lightining a Spark
Enrollment is a skill that not everyone can wear. Many times people are so selfish or so egocentric that they don’t give themselves the opportunity to shine in other people’s life. How I would love that many of my colleagues had the opportunity to read this book and consider that the energy that we transmit to others is one of the keys to being successful both in the personal and professional world.

Being the board
I have to admit that I stopped for a moment while reading this chapter.  I believe and I know I am a very easy going person but I am also not perfect so when thinking about this practice it reminded me of a recent situation I had a few months ago, I was so easy going that I started to hold in some feelings of discomfort and instead of being the instrument to make my relationship with my coworkers effective, I exploded and everything that I was holding exploded to the point where I ended up being the situation. I was the framework to what happened afterwards, I started feeling negative about my job and I was unhappy because I didn’t really wanted to be around those persons that I did not try to understand because I was trying not to be a problem. Maybe if I read this book at that moment I would have tried harder to be the board of this entire situation. 

Creating frameworks for Possibility
Having a vision, a challenge, keeping it and not giving up on it, being persistent and having the courage to face things when they are not turning out the way we want to and being able to change things to make that vision successful is a smart approach to creating a framework for possibility. This attitude is one of the components for being a good leader and for lighting a spark on those who follow you or are guided by you.

Telling the We Story
This approach guides us to be engaged in our relationship with other humans, to see ourselves as a group of people in our work, in our family, and in other areas instead of talking or thinking about ourselves only, is a matter of not considering ourselves as individuals but as a company, a community or a group. It’s kind of not being selfish but to think about the consequences and benefits to other people as well.

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Week 4: Publishing/Leadership Thinking out Loud #2

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 | Noelia Badillo

Image made by Noelia Badillo
Looking at the journals available to publish my publishing/leadership project I have chosen ISTE's Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education and the Educational Technology Research and Development journal.  The first one because it belongs to one of the most re-known and the largest  teacher-based, nonprofit organization in the field of educational technology. I chose the second one because it is the only scholarly journal in the field focusing entirely on research and development in educational technology. Reading their guidelines, the amount of words won't be a problem because they both accept an high amount of pages/words in their articles.

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