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Saturday, August 21, 2010 | Noelia Badillo

Here is the commercial I made for the web 2.0 animation tool GoAnimate!

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BP10_Comment to Luz

Friday, August 20, 2010 | Noelia Badillo

Click here to read my comment on Luz Infante's post about a great web 2.0 tool on brainstorming called Edistorm.

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BP9_Comment to Mark

| Noelia Badillo

Click here to read my comments on  Mark's post about the awesome tool of GoAnimate.

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| Noelia Badillo

GoAnimate offers simple options to create a short animation without necessarily having knowledge of any technical or advanced animation skills, the only thing really needed is creativity. The website provides a good amount of characters, backgrounds, props, sound effects and music to create your own animations.
This tool allows you to choose a variety of facial expressions and actions that each character can do with just one click. There is variety of characters with very basic movements, like to move from one direction to another, take an object, sit, talk, jump, cry, point etc. Also it provides variety of backgrounds and objects to the mood or the style of the users. At the end of each creation we can share through a number of social networks like Facebook , MySpace, Digg and Delicious, as well as sharing by email or embed it on your page or blog.  This application as well as MeMoov can be used in the classroom to create digital storytelling, reinforce sequencing skills, develop creativity, problem solving and self expression . I’ve had so much fun using this tool that I even used it for my precious commercial on the web 2.0 tool Glogster.  I have also used it to congratulate co-workers and family creating a special animation for them.  The web application also provides the option of paying for the download for the original high quality video for about a dollar per download, this is a great feature in case you need to use the video in higher resolution for tv and bigger projections.

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Sunday, August 15, 2010 | Noelia Badillo

I made a commercial about the wonderful tool of Glogster, hope you like it!  I used another free animation tool(GoAnimate) in conjunction with iMovie to make this video commercial.

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BP6_Comment to Tamika

Saturday, August 14, 2010 | Noelia Badillo

Follow this link to read my comment on Tamika's Blog about the helpful and fun tool Voki.

Tamika's Davis Post

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BP5_Comment to Kevin

| Noelia Badillo

Click on this link to see my comment on a wonderful and useful tool that Kevin shares to create and edit audio.

Kevin Arena's Post

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| Noelia Badillo


MeMoov is a free web application that allows you to animate characters, add a scene, add or record your own audio, insert text and then export it to video and share it online with friends by sending an url, uploading it to YouTube or share it on social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.   Also MeMoov creates a personal page for you in which you can watch and share the videos you have created before and the ones that are in progress, so your work is actually saved in their platform.  It is a great tool to work on digital storytelling, develop production and animation skills and reinforce sequence order abilities.  MeMoov allows you to choose and add elements and effects for your scene and it also allows you to zoom and move the camera around the scene for closer shots.  Each character can have an action applied to it automatically with just one click. An email address is necessary to create a free account. I think this is a great free tool to get your students into animation and make learning fun for them while developing different skills like creativity, sequencing, collaboration and teamwork, directions, time management and problem solving. Another activity that can be done with this software is to upload the finished products to YouTube and allow other students and teachers to provide feedback on each student’s video. This will give students the opportunity to improve areas or concepts related to the subject and have another perspective other than the teacher’s.  Allowing other people to view their work also increases motivation and self esteem. Click here to create your own movie easily without having any animation skills.
Scene Design

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BP3_Glogster EDU

Sunday, August 8, 2010 | Noelia Badillo

Glogster Edu is a web 2.0 application that allows students to create interactive online posters or "glogs" as they are called on Glogster, which can then be shared online. The most convenient of this tool is that it also can be embedded in blogs and wikis using an embedded code. Glogs can be created using text, pictures, sounds and videos (from SchoolTube), so it is a great tool to promote creativity and which can be used to evaluate both writing and reading skills. This tool allows teachers to create an account in which they can add up to 200 students so they can be able to collaborate and exchange ideas and feedback. Click on the image below to see the example I have created.

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BP_Diigo Group

Saturday, August 7, 2010 | Noelia Badillo

Here is a screenshot of my Diigo group. If you want to join you can click the following link: http://groups.diigo.com/group/multimedia-tools-in-education.

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BP2_iGoogle Screen Shots

| Noelia Badillo

I started using iGoogle with my Full Sail Education Media Design and Technology Master's Program and I totally love it!  It helps you organize yourself and it is also great to share your links, bookmarks, blog posts and social updates with your friends, colleagues and students. It is a wonderful tool to use it with your students in the classroom.  Here are some examples of my newest tabs.  Some gadgets are not showing right now but that will be fixed in the process.

My Home Page

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BP1_Google Reader

Thursday, August 5, 2010 | Noelia Badillo

I learned about Google Reader in the course Introduction to online learning and Web 2.0 which I took at the beginning of this year as a certification for professional development. I like Google Reader because you can create public folders and share your folders with co-workers or friends and you can benefit from their shared links as well. This is my Google Reader site, you can click on the image to visit it.

I subscribed to the following sites:

1. http://janeknight.typepad.com/pick/ - This Social Business Consultant offers is the founder for the Centre for Learning and Performace Technologies. In this site she features a technological application, tool or gadget that could help you integrate technology in your classroom.

2. http://janeknight.typepad.com/socialmedia/ - Another site from Jane Knight but this one focuses on the use of social media for learning and working. It has great information of the benefits and proper uses of social media at work, school, and it includes resources such as videos and presentations.

3. http://www.boxoftricks.net/ - This site offers links and resources about technological applications, articles and information of the latest technological trends and uses of technology.  Their blogposts are very helpful if you want to find tools that has been tested before and that had been a success for teachers.

4. http://www.commoncraft.com/ - This website provides educational videos that explain in a simple way some hard to understand concepts, most of them technological.  This is a great resource for teachers to show to their students when they want to introduce a concept.

5. http://www.freetech4teachers.com/ - This is another site that offers resources and lesson plans for teachers, purely technological.

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